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We don't left anyone apart

The idea is based on the premise that the developement in the mentioned communication and media technology since 2004 onwards, has created new organisational capacities for networks as well as new networking capacities for organisations. There are already astonishing experiements taking place towards future promising syntheses from whose succeses and failures we can learn and upon them we can build new models; not only to grow in numbers and fight back stronger, but also to form wider alliances and start building new social, economic and political norms and cultures bottom up.

Our History

Born in Catalunya some time ago inspired by the 1936 revolutionariy anarchists

© 2023 por Creativo. Creado con


¡Tus datos se enviaron con éxito!

From the Free Catalan Countries

We accept the Independecy issue ever it includes a contract form for the people who don't want to be part of the State corporation and control

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